And neither should we as leader show preferential treatment.
What is going on at the Naval Academy? Read the following links to gain an understanding of the latest leadership failure by the Academy administration in the wake of the "Honor Guard" scandal.
USNI Concept of Honor
Tom Ricks
The Capital
As a young recruit during my first week in Boot Camp this powerful decree was impressed upon me by a guy with a red rope on his shoulder, "You will not lie cheat or steal, nor tolerate those that do!" If there be any truth in these reports this Midshipman should clearly be punished and declined the honor of leading in our great Navy or Marine Corps. Furthermore, I submit that any leader that tolerates or has tolerated such dismal lack of character in those under their command should be immediately removed from their position of authority as well. Leaders uphold, enforce, and maintain standards. It might not always be fun, but it's what we are paid to do. Some things are not left to judgment - any sign of weakness of integrity in a future Naval Officer must result in dismissal of that candidate. Our Sailors and Marines expect and deserve nothing less. Greater grace must be granted to the dependent masses of Sailors and Marines (and their families) that will be lead into harm's way by their Officers rather than provided to the individuals in desperate need of repentance and remediation. Mercy is best shown to dishonorable perspective leaders as they are shown the door. The necessity in times such as these is too great for such tolerance. I can simply continue to echo the long strings of comments by so many on this issue. I would add that this problem is less about the Mid in question as it is an even deeper problem of senior Naval leaders being delinquent in carrying out their duties to uphold the core values upon which the service is founded: Honor, Courage, Commitment! The Supe is deserving of standing before an Honor Board to provide an account and be held responsible for his repeat honor offenses. The essentials for leadership to exist are: authority, responsibility, and accountability. It's time to exercise accountability. It is my hope that this story is not finished. Let's keep in prayer this great American institution that has, does, and will continue to create some of our nation's greatest leaders.
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