As we unite to dialogue on the integration of our faith in Christ and our profession in arms the hope is that individual leaders will be redeemed; redeem the leadership and change the culture; change the culture and entire organizations will be impacted (think of the emanating effect of rain drops hitting a pond). My prayer is that we, a struggling and broken band of leaders, will lay hold of the Gospel (the power for change), learning to live it in such a way as to see the spheres in which God has appointed us be radically redeemed. May we be Anchored Leaders and glorify Jesus, the true embodiment of all we seek to be, while hearing Him exclaim the same words spoken to the military leader in the Gospels saying, “I tell you the truth, I have not found anyone . . . with such great faith” (Matt. 8: 10).
Our goal should be to: Lead to Redeem!
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