Thursday, December 17, 2009

Making Men-Catchers

The following post is adapted from The Resurgence that is adapted from Charles Spurgeon's sermon notes, which are in the public domain.

Matthew 4:19: And he said to them, "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men."

Our desire should be to be men-catchers as we lead; and the way to attain to that sacred art is to be ourselves thoroughly captured by the greatest Leader and the One who has captured us. When Jesus draws us we shall draw men. The man who leads souls is like a fisher upon the sea. A fisher is dependent and trustful. He is diligent and persevering. He is intelligent and watchful. He is laborious and self-denying. He is daring, and is not afraid to venture upon a dangerous sea. He is successful. He is no leader who never leads anyone. See the ordination of successful leaders. They are made, not born; made by God, and not by mere human training. See how we can partake in the Lord's work, and be specimens of his workmanship: "Follow me, and I will make you."

P.S. Scroll over any verse citation on this site and the full Bible verse referenced will pop up (I've added "reftagger"). Here's an example: Josh. 1:6-9

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