Monday, April 26, 2010

A Catalyst Leader

From the Catalyst Leadership website some very powerful and pertinent characteristics of an effective [Christian] military leader as well. I absolutely agree with the helpfully condensed way that great godly leadership has been communicated here. I will highlight a few of the nuggets I took away as you read.

Elements of a Catalyst Leader

AUTHENTIC in their Influence
Influence is gained naturally, not through coercion or manipulation. This is a natural outcome when the leader is “being” (integrity, passion) and “doing” (calling, community, culture). Leading is an easy next step once the other core elements are being consistently practiced and modeled.

UNCOMPROMISING in their Integrity
Character, integrity, conviction, discipline and private, personal decisions – these all comprise the inner character and integrity of a Catalyst leader. I understand that my character and integrity is the guard to my soul and ultimately their life. This can’t be let go, can’t be delegated, it’s the foundation of who I am as a person and as a leader. It’s the basis from which my moral authority is grounded. It must be nurtured, guarded and found true under testing.

INTENTIONAL about Community
People are in my life at all levels. Close personal friends that keep me accountable, question my deepest motives and help me stay true to the vision God has imprinted on my heart. I value the people that work for and alongside me, recognizing that I am fulfilling a leadership role with people God has entrusted to my care. Catalyst leaders value the wisdom of those more experienced than them and seek out council in all things of importance.

I must have awareness of my small role in God’s big, developing story. This is critical to my humility, faith and trust in Him as the definer of how He will use me and my calling. To have this constant awareness, I must connect with God without ceasing through my life, study, music, art, film, vocation and relationships. My passion for God to receive Glory must be bigger than my desire for Glory.

COURAGEOUS about their Calling
God has a unique purpose that he desires to carry out in me. To know this purpose I must first know Him. To fulfill this purpose, I must trust Him and have the courage to act on it, which may feel like a risk. My talents and heart converge to create my calling and purpose. I am competent in my calling because I am committed to further developing and honing my talents and skills. My foundational understanding of how God is working during our times, determines the specific way I apply this calling vocationally.
ENGAGED in Culture
As a leader, I must understand the context God has placed me in. I must know the audience I am connecting with to have any opportunity of connection and relevance. Because God desires that Christ-followers engage and influence their surroundings, I will be a source of hope, redemption, justice and peace in my community, demonstrating a piece of the Kingdom of God in a fallen world.

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