A few days ago I wrote of our need to study people, understanding the underlying basis for their decisions.
To do this best you should do it in accordance with the Bible. After all, everything in the Navy is IAW some reference rather it be a technical manual (NSTM), maintenance card (MRC), or operational sequencing system (EOSS, CSOSS, etc.). So, lead IAW BIBLE. While the bookstore is overflowing with leadership books we would do well to remember that the best book on leadership is the Word of God. Study the Bible - no text better describes, defines, and depicts the reality of the human condition. If you want to lead people, you must know people. If you want to know people, you must know the Bible. After all it is the "owner's manual" given to us by the Manufacturer. If something was wrong with my vehicle and I needed to correct it where would I look? What if I wanted to maintain or improve it? The first place I would look would be the owner's manual. (This isn't a great metaphor because the Bible is completely adequate with regard to people.) With a vehicle the company that designed it has put out some basic information on that particular model to inform the owner of the essential and necessary information that the owner should know. The Bible is the Designer's Book for communicating the essential and necessary information to understand the nature of the creation, particularly His greatest creation - men and women. However, unlike an owner's manual for our stuff the Word of God tells us about the Creator as well. With regard to leadership it also describes the model and perfect example of the greatest Leader that ever walked the earth - Jesus. So, while there are biographies and autobiographies of good human leaders - the Bible (the WHOLE Bible - from cover to cover) tells us about Jesus Christ. Read it daily! - "Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful." (Josh. 1:8)
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