"Gospel" literally means "good news" - and
to understand the good news you must understand the bad news. Contrast yields understanding and appreciation. The extent of your understanding of the bad news is
directly proportional to your understanding of the Gospel. Read with me Lk. 7: 36-50. These were/are life changing words for me. That woman "who lived a sinful life" deeply understood her personal bad news story. It drove her to brokenness, in tears, giving her greatest possession, brought low in humility before man, in worshipful service of Jesus. She grasped well
the gravity of her total depravity. Think hard on the words of our Lord in verse 47, "Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven—for she loved much.
But he who has been forgiven little loves little." Our story ends with this mysterious woman being granted redemption - an exchange: removal of sin, replaced by peace! We have been and are being redeemed so that we are capable and empowered to be
redemptive leaders.
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